Guide to being less clumsy

Ben Tennyson
3 min readFeb 4, 2022

You know that feeling of being one of those people who are told something like: “this is the best quality out there, even if you wanted to, you could not break it” but yet sometime later (maybe a few months and in some legendary cases such as mine, a few weeks and when having a bad day, a few minutes) you end up breaking it. Well, this article is not about how you can fix that broken vase, I am not going to let you in on any Dr.Strange sort of secrets, just a few changes I did to my everyday routine to be more aware and less clumsy which I feel worked for me and I hope they work for you as well!

  1. Once you are in motion, keep your phone inside the bag.

Does not sound like a big secret right? Of course, every dummy puts their phone in the bag when they are driving or cycling or skateboarding (but then of course there are legends who use it at that time as well). But, try not using your phone as you are walking or getting into an elevator. Even when you are on the bus sitting in your seat or standing. WHY? We are oftentimes so focused on that tiny screen that we lose our sense of the world. We can be so engrossed that we become unaware of our surroundings.

This can lead to so many things like missing your stop, being the victim of a pickpocket, not being aware that there is an older gentleman or lady whom you could offer your seat and so on and so forth.

Be where you are. Notice people, look outside the window! You might see that a grocery store sits in your daily commute while you have been taking a separate bus to reach another grocery store (it has happened to me)

You are not going to like the next one. I don’t like it either

2. Once you are in motion, keep your EarPods, AirPods, earphones, beats etc etc… inside the bag

Again, this goes for even when you are sitting inside your public transport. When we all had EarPods, it was really a hassle to listen to our favourite tunes while walking. Wireless Earphones made it so much easier. And they also made it easier to lose stuff.

When you are not able to hear the outside world, as bad things can happen as being engrossed in your phone. Your card falls out of your pocket and hits the ground but you didn’t hear it because the earphones are in. One time this happened to a guy and I saw someone who was much aware of their surroundings (unlike me) who ran out after that guy to give the card to them. Just imagine, how much trouble was avoided. Apart from losing lesser things, you can help others lose other things, and you can help yourself stay alive. There have been incidences where people have been hit by different sorts of vehicles simply because they did not hear the horn.

Apart from keeping you safe, it is also good for your ears. Having earpods in all the damn time leads to poor ear health (not just because you are listening to loud music)

Even after doing the above things, sometimes I find myself so lost in thought that I keep walking without noticing that I went past the bus stop.

I think this is the end of the article. Yep, it is. (My last post was in October, I really really need to be “consistent”)

